Our Dwelling Place
Psalm 90:1 (KJV) Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations.
Today's discourse will be different. Why? Because in my prayer time after I woke up, and as I was reading and studying God's Word, in regards to the church the Lord is building here in Boulder, Colorado; I became very desirous of sharing this Psalm with you my dear friend!
This Psalm did not come from my daily school work, as I said, it came while in prayer. Listen, our prayer life is so very important! I can tell immediately while talking to a Christian what kind of prayer life they have. Now, obviously, this is general, but all to often, I'm not to far off.
In fact, in today's prayer, another thing that came to me is the method to use for interviewing! Isn't that odd? But remember, that I'm in Boulder to build God a church, so therefore, there are numerous points that require covering! It's amazing the amount of effort involved in starting a new work for the Lord!
The entire 1,417 word Christian Content Discourse is written at JCActs2:21Blog.com. Here's a direct link to, "Our Dwelling Place" and thank you for your faith. I hope you enjoy today's show!
God bless you my friend,
Add yourself to my prayer list
Let me ask you a question... if you died tonight, do you have the assurance in your heart, that you would go to heaven?
And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved."
—Acts 2:21 (KJV).
This is the most important decision of your life. You receive eternal life by receiving Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord.
—Click here to learn more.
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Today's discourse will be different. Why? Because in my prayer time after I woke up, and as I was reading and studying God's Word, in regards to the church the Lord is building here in Boulder, Colorado; I became very desirous of sharing this Psalm with you my dear friend!
This Psalm did not come from my daily school work, as I said, it came while in prayer. Listen, our prayer life is so very important! I can tell immediately while talking to a Christian what kind of prayer life they have. Now, obviously, this is general, but all to often, I'm not to far off.
In fact, in today's prayer, another thing that came to me is the method to use for interviewing! Isn't that odd? But remember, that I'm in Boulder to build God a church, so therefore, there are numerous points that require covering! It's amazing the amount of effort involved in starting a new work for the Lord!
The entire 1,417 word Christian Content Discourse is written at JCActs2:21Blog.com. Here's a direct link to, "Our Dwelling Place" and thank you for your faith. I hope you enjoy today's show!
God bless you my friend,
Add yourself to my prayer list
Let me ask you a question... if you died tonight, do you have the assurance in your heart, that you would go to heaven?
And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved."
—Acts 2:21 (KJV).
This is the most important decision of your life. You receive eternal life by receiving Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord.
—Click here to learn more.