Who Shall Roll Us Away The Stone

Mark 16:3 (KJV) And they said among themselves, Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre?

The moment that I read this, my very first thought was, "Wow, they had the faith to start walking towards the sepulchre without any idea on how they were going to move the heavy stone in front of the door! They just started off in that direction by faith!" That's what I said and that's what caught my attention! Isn't that amazing...not me...the faith of the women!

Today's verses cover a lot of ground, from Mark 15:40 to Luke 1:58. These verses, or rather this section of Scripture is pre-selected through the 12-Month Reading Plan that I choose in the Alexander Scourby Bible App. There are four reading paces to choose from: 3 month, 6 month, 9 month, and 12 month. I've tried them all over the years, but I found that for the school that the Holy Spirit is starting that the 12 month is the best for our purposes.

You see, we're not just listening to the bible. That is the first part of the school work. After that though is the reading of the verses, then there is the praying through the verses, then lastly there is the writing of a highlighted verse, usually just one verse. This verse is best selected by the Holy Spirit, because then he can show you or us some interesting facts about that single verse. Plus, acting by faith is a tremendous event!

The entire 2,766 word Christian Content Discourse is written at JCActs2:21Blog.com. Here's a direct link to, "Who Shall Roll Us Away The Stone." Thank you for your faith. I hope you enjoy today's show!

God bless you my friend,

(add yourself to my prayer list)

Let me ask you a question... if you died tonight, do you have the assurance in your heart, that you would go to heaven?

And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved."
—Acts 2:21 (KJV).

This is the most important decision of your life. You receive eternal life by receiving Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord.
—Click here for more information.

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