Displaying 271 - 300 of 412 in total
STREET SERMON — "See how they do" — Friday September 8, 2023.
Greetings my dear friend! Thank you very much for being here, truly. In this Episode 142 is the Friday Street Sermon from Golden, Colorado "See how they do" and it's l...
STREET SERMON — "Tell you the same things" — Thursday September 7, 2023.
Hello my friend! Thank you for listening to Episode 141 the Thursday Street Sermon "Tell you the same things" and it's linked to the video on our YouTube channel. God ...
STREET SERMON — "The whole church" — Wednesday September 6, 2023.
Good morning my friend! It's a great day in the Lord Jesus Christ. This Episode 140 is the Wednesday Street Sermon titled "The whole church" and it's a hotlink to the ...
STREET SERMON — "The words of the prophets" — Tuesday September 5, 2023.
Good morning my friend! Today's Episode 139 is the Tuesday Street Sermon titled "The words of the prophets" and it's linked to the video for this message, over on our ...
STREET SERMON — "Consider this matter" — Monday September 4, 2023.
Greetings my good friend! Hope all is well and going nicely today. This here is Episode 138, the Monday Street Sermon titled "Consider this matter" and it's linked to ...
STREET SERMON — "They caused great joy" — Sunday September 3, 2023.
Greetings my good friend! Today's Episode 137 is the Sunday Street Sermon titled "They caused great joy" and this is linked to our video channel, if you would rather w...
STREET SERMON — "The door of faith" — Friday September 1, 2023.
Greetings my dear friend! This is Episode 136 of Friday Street Sermon in Denver, Colorado, "The door of faith" and this is linked to the video of this message on our v...
STREET SERMON — "Walk in their own ways" — Thursday August 31, 2023.
Greetings my dear friend! Today is Episode 135, the street sermon in Loveland, Colorado, titled "Walk in their own ways" and it's linked to the video channel, if you w...
STREET SERMON — "Why do ye these things?" — Wednesday August 30, 2023.
Greetings my dear friend! This is Episode 134 on our podcast show, and it's the Wednesday street sermon titled "Why do these things?" with the link here going to our v...
STREET SERMON — "He had faith to be healed" — Tuesday August 29, 2023.
Greetings my friend! This is Episode 133 and is our Tuesday August 29, 2023 street sermon titled "He had faith to be healed" and this is linked to the video of this se...
STREET SERMON — "The City Was Divided" — Monday August 28, 2023.
Greetings my good friend! This is Episode 132 from Boulder, Colorado on the street at Foothills and Baseline preaching "The City Was Divided" a street sermon that you ...
STREET SERMON — "The Greeks Believed" — Sunday August 27, 2023.
Greetings my friend! In this Episode 131, is the street sermon for Sunday, titled "The Greeks Believed" and this is linked to the video of this message. We're in Acts ...
STREET SERMON — "Continue in the grace of God" — Friday August 25, 2023.
Greetings my dear friend! May the Lord Jesus be mighty in your life and ministry. This Episode 130 is our Friday street sermon in Longmont, Colorado, titled "Continue ...
STREET SERMON — "I work in your days" — Thursday August 24, 2023.
Greetings my friend! The street sermon for Thursday is from Lafayette, Colorado, it's titled "I work in your days" from Acts 13.41 KJV. The link takes you to the video...
STREET SERMON — "Thine Holy One" — Wednesday August 23, 2023.
Greetings my friend! Here, Episode 128, is the Wednesday August 23, 2023 Street sermon "Thine Holy One", it's the audio version of our video, if you would like to watc...
STREET SERMON — "They ministered to the Lord" — Tuesday August 22, 2023.
Greetings my good friend! In this Episode 127, "They ministered to the Lord" it comes from the street sermon preached on the street here in Boulder, Colorado by Preach...
STREET SERMON — "The Word Of The Lord Was Published" — Sunday August 20, 2023.
Hello my dear friend! This Episode 126 (patience, long lead-in) is an Audio-Only edition of the video 'STREET SERMON—"The Word Of The Lord Was Published"—SUNDAY 8.20....
Herod the king
Greetings my friend! It's a great day and hopefully a wonderful message here in episode 125, titled "Herod the king", this is from Acts 12:1 KJV. This should be of goo...
Received The Word Of God
Greetings my friend! This episode 124 is inside this year's current theme titled "Signs. Wonders. Miracles. Praise. Worship." In this show Preacher John goes over our ...
A Devout Man — Signs. Wonders. Miracles. Praise. Worship.
Greetings my friend! In this episode 123, Preacher John goes over some interesting points that you may not agree with in reference to chapter 10 of The Acts of the Apo...
And In Those Days — Signs. Wonders. Miracles. Praise. Worship.
Greetings my good friend! I hope all is well and wonderful with your life and family and ministry. In this episode 122, Preacher John covers the GEC Sunday Prayer Lett...
Great Fear Came — Signs. Wonders. Miracles. Praise. Worship.
Greetings my friend! In this episode 121, Preacher John talks on the June 18—GEC Sunday Letter. Our scriptures come from Acts chapter 5, preaching this week on the who...
Preached Through Jesus — Signs. Wonders. Miracles. Praise. Worship.
Greetings my friend! In this episode 120 Preacher John talks through the June 11—GEC Sunday Letter, covering Acts chapter 4 and many topics and life examples or storie...
Charity Before The Church—Signs. Wonders. Miracles. Praise. Worship.
Greetings my friend! This episode 119 is more on the word charity found in the KJV. This title comes from 3 John 1.6 "Which have borne witness of thy charity before th...
Let All Your Things Be Done With Charity—Signs. Wonders. Miracles. Praise. Worship.
Greetings friend! in this episode 118, Preacher John goes through the Gospel Evangelist Church March 12—Sunday Prayer Letter. It's a little different than usual, I thi...
More Excellent Way—Signs. Wonders. Miracles. Praise. Worship.
Greetings my dear friend! This week of preaching will be from First Corinthians 13, the whole chapter! In this episode 117 Preacher John talks through the February 26—...
Shall Do A Miracle
Greetings my friend! This episode 116 titled "Shall Do A Miracle" is within a recent theme of scriptures called "Signs. Wonders. Miracles. Praise. Worship." Preacher J...
Save Yourselves—Signs. Wonders. Miracles. Praise. Worship.
Acts 2:40 (KJV) "And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation."
Signs. Wonders. Miracles. Praise. Worship. — Signs Following
Mark 16:20 (KJV) And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.
Glorify God—Part 4 of 4
1 Peter 4:16 (KJV) Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.